Puppies have a lot to learn – but luckily for us, they’re also primed to be incredible learners.

But it’s not just about learning how to sit, lay down, and stay.

Exploring the world, understanding the rules, learning what is safe or scary – that’s our priority with puppies 8-20 weeks old.

Brave New World is designed to give your puppy the best possible start, teach you how to show them how to interact with the world, and to give you the support and guidance you need to build your bond!


Never put off till tomorrow
the fun you can have today.

Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

For Puppies 8-20 Weeks

Worried about vaccinations?
The AVSAB recommends starting
puppy socialization classes BEFORE
your puppy has received all of their vaccines.
Learn more here.

The Best of Both

Benefit from a hybrid class format!

Over the course of 7 weeks, you’ll have 2 virtual “skill building” classes, 2 classes indoors with puppy play time, and 3 field trips!

Practice in the Real World

It can be hard to figure out how to apply skills learned in the classroom to your day to day life with your puppy. Field trip classes will help you bridge that gap!

The next session of Brave New World begins
Sunday, January 19th at 1:45 pm!

Quick Facts:

Sign Up Now!

Brave New World is a hybrid class:
2 virtual, 2 indoor, 3 field trips

Starting Sunday, January 19th
at 1:45 pm

$200 for 7 weeks

Any questions or concerns?